The World Shotokan Karate-Do Federation India was formed under guidance of The Chief Instructor of WSKF, INDIA, Sensei Sattrajit Chaudhury, a former National Champion and a Semi-Finalist in the 1997 & 2000 World Championship, is having experience of more than two decades in different facets of Karate. He started his training of Shotokan Karate in early seventies under Sensei Anil Sinha, who first introduced Shotokan Karate in India. WSKFI is the fastest growing Karate Organization in India with more than 7000 students practicing regularly. OBJECTIVES OF WSKFI The main objective of WSKFI is to create a consolidated movement for popularizing the true form of Shotokan Karate in India, where many instructors are teaching one or other form of karate and most of them in a diluted version. WSKFI is creating an awareness among these karate practitioners, so that, they can come in the main stream of authentic Shotokan karate. WSKFI also aims to raise the karate standard of Indian Karatekas to the International level so that in future they can bring laurels for the country. The steps towards achieving these goals are: 1. To organise Training Camps under foreign (Japanese) instructors. 2. Exposure in International Championship in India and abroad. As a first step towards achieving the objectives, the organization invites Sensei Hitoshi Kasuya, the Chief Instructor from Japan every year for advance training camp for the members of the federation so that they get authentic International Karate exposure. Members of WSKFI regularly take part in International Karate Championship / Seminars in different countries. WSKFI has got training centers in 18 states of India and is a recognized organization by ALL INDIA KARATE-DO FEDERATION (AIKF), which is the only karate organization recognized by GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, MINISTRY OF YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS

Wednesday, December 30, 2009



As with any other art form Shotokan karate has its own unique terminology, and even though Shotokan is taught all over the world, and in many different languages, it is still common in most dojos to give some commands in Japanese.
The following list of Japanese words and their English counter part is by no means definative, and students are encouraged to view this list as merely a starting point in their effort to further their knowledge of all that Shotokan Karate has to offer.


karate do - empty handed way

shihan - master

sensei - teacher

sempai - senior student

kohai - junior student

dojo - training hall

obi - belt

seiza - kneel

mokuso - meditate

rei - bow

yoi - ready

hajime - begin

yame - stop

naote - relax

hidari - left

migi - right

jodan - upper

chudan - middle

gedan - lower

dachi - stance

zuki - punch

uchi - strike

uke - block

geri - kick

tai sabaki - body shifting

yori ashi - foot shifting


kazama zuki - jab

choku zuki - straight punch

oi zuki - lunge punch

gyaku zuki - reverse punch

yama zuki - mountain punch

yoko zuki - side punch

shita zuki - inverted punch

ippon ken - one knuckle strike

uraken - back fist

tetsui - hammer fist

empi uchi - elbow strike

nukite-zuki - spear hand strike

shuto - knife hand

shuto-zuki - sword hand strike


jodan age uke - upper rising block

jodan tetsui zuki - upper hammer fist

gedan uke - lower block

kake wake uke - reverse wedge block

haishu-uke - back hand block

soto uke - inward middle block

uchi uke - outward middle block

morote uke - augmented block

teisho oshi uke - pressing palm heal block

shuto-uke - sword hand block

juji-uke - X block


zenkutsu dachi - front stance

kokutsu dachi - back stance

kiba dachi - horse stance

fudo dachi - rooted stance

neko ashi dachi - cat stance

hangetsu dachi - hourglass stance


hiza geri - knee strike

mae geri - front kick

yoko geri keage - side snap kick

yoko geri kekomi - side thrust kick

fumakomi - stomp kick

mika zuki geri - crescent kick

mawashi geri - round kick

tobi geri - jump kick

ni mae geri - double front kick

ushiro geri kekomi - back thrust kick

gedan-barai - down block

chudan oi zuki - middle lunge punch

chudan uchi uke - inside outward block

tetsui zuki - hammer fist strike

shuto uke - sword hand block

shuto zuki - sword hand strike

tai-sabaki - body shifting

jodan oi zuki - upper lunge punch

jodan age uke - upper rising block

yoko geri keage - side snapping kick

mae geri keage - front snapping kick

chudan uraken - middle back fist

chudan nukite zuki - middle spear hand strike

chudan gyaku zuki - middle reverse punch

morote chudan uchi uke - augmented middle inside outward block

jodan soto uke - upper forearm strike

morote gedan uchi uke - augmented lower inside outward block

morote shita zuki - augmented upper inverted punch

chudan teisho yoko uke - middle side palm heel block

chudan yoko zuki - middle side punch

ni jodan shita zuki - double inverted upper punch

chudan tsukami uke - middle grasping block

chudan osae uke - middle pressing block

chudan mae empi uchi - middle forward elbow strike

chudan keito uke - middle chicken head block

hitosashiyubi gedan nukite - lower index finger spear hand

shuto gedan barai - lower sword hand strike

washide jodan uchi - upper eagle strike

jodan mae geri keage - upper front snapping kick

chudan uraken - middle back fist

chudan hiza geri - middle knee strike

chudan mika zuki geri - middle crescent kick

chudan mawashi zuki - middle round house punch

jodan shuto juji uke - upper open hand X block

ni yoko chudan zuki - double middle side punch

chudan-tate-shuto-uchi-uke -middle level vertical inside outward sword hand block

chudan choku zuki - middle straight punch

ni jodan uke - double rising block

hidari ashi dachi - left legged stance

chudan uchi otoshi - middle falling block

jodan yoko uchi barai - upper side sweeping block

sho koko bo uke - tiger mouth block

chudan oi zuki maeude hineri - middle lunge punch with turning forearm

jodan tate mawashi uchi - upper vertical roundhouse strike

naname shita ni oshinobasu - double downward oblique push

gedan gassho uke - lower double palm heel block

sankaku tobi - triangle jump

chudan nakadaka ippon ken - middle one knuckle strike

jodan age nihon nukite-zuki - upper two finger spear hand strike

haishu uke - back hand block

jodan kensei - upper palm feint

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Sensei Bikash Rout along with Shihan Hitoshi Kasuya during International Championship held at Goa(India)


Senior Instructor of W.S.K.F.I. during national training camp


Freashers OF Jyana jyoti public school demonstrating their karate skills in the school annual day celebration.


New students with Sensei Bikash Rout


Welcome treate to Sensei Nitai Guin for his out standing performance and winning silver medal in W.S.K.F. World Championship held at Japan in the year 2004

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Winners of national championship along with Sensei Bikash Rout


W.S.K.F.I. National instructors training camp held at panvel (Maharashtra).ORISSA TEAM.


W.S.K.F.I. National instructors training camp held at panvel (Maharashtra).


Sensei Pramoda Baral and krrish with silver & bronze medals during prize distribution in W.S.K.F.I. National Championship




Under the guidence of Sensei Bikash Rout, Students of Shotokan Karate Academy participated in District, State and National Championship and added many medals in their account few of them also participated in International Championship.

According to Sensei Bikash Rout there are few things which students cannot acquire from education which they can acquire from karate
1. Self Defence
2. Self Confidence
3. Self Controll
4. Concentration
5. Stress Management
6. Leadership Quality
7. Selfless Service



Name Kanji Meaning
Taikyoku shodan (aka Kihon) Great Beginning
Heian shodan Peaceful Mind, One
Heian nidan Peaceful Mind, Two
Heian sandan Peaceful Mind, Three
Heian yondan Peaceful Mind, Four
Heian godan Peaceful Mind, Five
Tekki shodan Iron Horse, One
Bassai dai To Penetrate a Fortress (Major)
Jion Jion is the name of a temple, and also the name of a buddhist saint
Empi Flight of the swallow
Kanku dai To Look At the Sky (Major)
Hangetsu Half-moon
Jitte Ten hands
Gankaku Crane on a rock
Tekki nidan Iron Horse, Two
Tekki sandan Iron Horse, Three
Nijushiho Twenty-four Steps
Chinte Unusual Hands (Also rare hands or crazy hands)
Sochin Tranquil Force
Meikyo Bright Mirror
Unsu Hands in a Cloud
Bassai sho To Penetrate a Fortress (Minor)
Kanku sho To Look at the Sky (Minor)
Wankan King's crown
Gojushiho sho Fifty-four Steps (Minor)
Gojushiho dai Fifty-four Steps (Major)
Ji'in Love of Truth (Also the name of a buddhist saint)

Been learning Karate Shotokan kata for some time? Tired of practicing kata without understanding it's meaning is usefulness? How does practicing Karate kata makes you a powerful Karateka?
Meaning and bunkai (applications) of Karate kata, and the original purpose it was created for, ie. close quarter fighting, though you may call it self defense or self protection in modern day context. Although there are at least 26 Karate Shotokan kata, this website will focus on only a chosen few, which have many of the most deadly Karate bunkai. Not many Karateka spend a lot of time actually "studying" Karate Shotokan kata, preferring to spend time on developing their physical presentation instead of discovering the cryptic meaning (bunkai) behind the complex arm and legs movements taught by these forms.
Techniques, including pressure points strikes or the art of kyusho jutsu. I hope the information here will reaffirm the usefulness of Karate Shotokan kata for a Karateka to learn deadly fighting techniques.

Since the original purpose of Karate is for fighting or self defense, there is also a page on Karate women and Street Karate, because Karate give women the skills and confidence to overcome dangers from those with strong criminal intention.

Karate, like any other form of martial arts, should evolve with times. And you should always have a few layers of self protection capability, eg. primary, secondary and backup. So, there is a page on choosing a self defense product which you can use to augment your self protection capability. Knowing a powerful empty hand combat skill like Karate will definitely give you the extra edge should you decide to carry a weapon for self protection, with both complementing each other quite well.


Kumite Main article: Kumite or sparring, is the practical application of kata to real opponents. While the techniques used in sparring are only slightly different than kihon, the formalities of kumite in Shotokan karate were first instituted by Masatoshi Nakayama wherein basic, intermediate, and advanced sparring techniques and rules were formalized.[7] Shotokan practitioners first learn how to apply the techniques taught in kata to "hypothetical" opponents by way of kata bunkai. Kata bunkai then matures into controlled kumite.[8] Kumite is the third part of the Shotokan triumvirate of Kihon-Kata-Kumite. Kumite is taught in ever increasing complexity from beginner through low grade blackbelt (1st - 2nd) to intermediate (3rd - 4th) and advanced (5th onwards) level practitioners. Beginners first learn kumite through basic drills, of 1, 3 or 5 attacks to the head (jodan) or body (chudan) with the defender stepping backwards whilst blocking and only countering on the last defence. These drills use basic (kihon) techniques and develop a sense of timing and distance in defence against a known attack. At around purple belt level karateka learn one-step sparring (ippon kumite). Though there is only one step involved, rather than three or five, this exercise is more advanced because it involves a greater variety of attacks and blocks usually the defenders own choice.[9] It also requires the defender to execute a counter-attack faster than in the earlier types of sparring. Counter-attacks may be almost anything, including strikes, grapples, and take-down manoeuvres. Some schools prescribe the defences, most notable the Kase-ha Shotokan Ryu which uses an 8 step, three directional blocking and attacking pattern which develops from yellow belt level right through to advanced level. The next level of kumite is freestyle one-step sparring (jiyu ippon kumite). This type of kumite, and its successor—free sparring, have been documented extensively by Nakayama


Instructor- Sensei Bikash Rout (+919937470484).
Sensei - Pramoda Baral (919337406778)
Shotokan Karate Academy
Community Centre
sector - 20 rourkela(orissa)
Class timing - 5.30pm - 7.30pm (Wednesday)
6.00am - 8.00am (Sunday)

Little Angles school
Sector - 08
5.30pm - 7.30pm (Monday & Friday)


Head Office
Qr no - C/137
Sector - 20
Rourkela - 5,(Orissa)


Sensei Bikash Rout ( Black belt W.S.K.F. & A.I.K.F.), Instructor Shotokan Karate Academy Rourkela, running karate dojo and also imparting the art of self defence in schools and colleges of Rourkela with true karate spirit and positive attitude with a moto to build a healthy and strong upcoming generation.

Shotokan Karate Academy sector - 20, Rourkela, was opened in the month of novemver 2003 is dedicated to promoting and teaching the ancient art of self defence to our upcoming generation irrespective of gender, cast and age.

The practice of Shotokan karate include muscular and aerobic fitness body alignment, balance and movement which enhance increasing perceptual awareness Stress management , Concentration, confidence and discipline

Why should you Learn Karate ?

If you are desirous of being physically fit and healthy and if you wish to be guided towards becoming a person of exemplary character, disciplined, respectful, mentally alert and keep harmony and peace in your daily living, then you must learn Karate.

what are the main objectives of karate ?

The World Shotokan Karate-Do Federation India was formed under guidance of The Chief Instructor of WSKF, INDIA, Sensei Sattrajit Chaudhury, a former National Champion and a Semi-Finalist in the 1997 & 2000 World Championship, is having experience of more than two decades in different facets of Karate. He started his training of Shotokan Karate in early seventies under Sensei Anil Sinha, who first introduced Shotokan Karate in India. WSKFI is the fastest growing Karate Organization in India with more than 7000 students practicing regularly. OBJECTIVES OF WSKFI The main objective of WSKFI is to create a consolidated movement for popularizing the true form of Shotokan Karate in India, where many instructors are teaching one or other form of karate and most of them in a diluted version. WSKFI is creating an awareness among these karate practitioners, so that, they can come in the main stream of authentic Shotokan karate. WSKFI also aims to raise the karate standard of Indian Karatekas to the International level so that in future they can bring laurels for the country. The steps towards achieving these goals are: 1. To organise Training Camps under foreign (Japanese) instructors. 2. Exposure in International Championship in India and abroad. As a first step towards achieving the objectives, the organization invites Sensei Hitoshi Kasuya, the Chief Instructor from Japan every year for advance training camp for the members of the federation so that they get authentic International Karate exposure. Members of WSKFI regularly take part in International Karate Championship / Seminars in different countries. WSKFI has got training centers in 18 states of India and is a recognized organization by ALL INDIA KARATE-DO FEDERATION (AIKF), which is the only karate organization recognized by GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, MINISTRY OF YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS.

- Chief Instructor WSKFI • M. Tech. (Applied Physics)• 6th Dan Black Belt of The World Shotokan Karate-Do Federation, Japan (W.S.K.F.) • 6th Dan Black Belt of All India Karate-Do Federation (A.I.K.F.)• Former National Champion in Kata & Kumite (A.I.K.F.)• Best Fighiting Spirit Award Winner in A.I.K.F. National ChampionshiFormer Captain of West Bengal team for consecutive 7 years• Bronze Medalist in Kata & Kumite in W.S.K.F. World Championship (above 40 years) 2004 • Senior Referee in Kata and Kumite in A.I.K.F.• Member - Board of Directors of W.S.K.F., Japan• International Referee, Examiner and Instructor of W.S.K.F., Japan• Member - Referee Council of All India Karate-Do Federation• Judge - Asian Karate Federation


Taro no maki (The Shotokan Tiger)
TORA NO MAKI - The Shotokan Tiger The Shotokan Tiger is the icon that symbolises Funakoshi Gichin Sensei’s style of unarmed combat. The drawing was originally created by a Japanese man named Hoan Kosugi who was a friend and student of Funakoshi Sensei, the founder of Shotokan Ryu Karate. Kosugi was instrumental in convincing Funakoshi Sensei to both teach Karate in Japan, and to write his knowledge of Karate into a book, and promised he would design the book and make a painting for the cover. The painting was used to illustrate the cover of Funakoshi Sensei’s book KARATE- DO KYOHAN. In Japanese tradition, the official written document of an art, or system, that is used as a definitive reference source for that particular art, is termed “Tora No Maki” (master text / scroll). Kosugi told Funakoshi Sensei his Karate-Do Kyohan was the Tora No Maki of karate and since “Tora” also means tiger, he designed the tiger as a representation of Funakoshi Sensei’s art. The irregular appearance of the circle itself suggests that it was drawn free hand and with one continuous stroke of his brush. The kanji found in the upper right hand corner is Hoan Kosugi's own name.